Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tiny House Love!

My latest obsession (maybe that word is a little overused, lets go with admiring immensely) is tiny houses. I've been on pinterest and tumblr oohing and aahing over these houses that are no more than 100 sq ft! I think it is the draw of a simpler, frugal, greener life that makes me want to sell mostly everything and build one! Just think about it: No worries about if you are going to be able to make your house payments and the freedom to use that money to go on trips and experience life in it's fullest!

I remember being a little girl and having my playhouse in the yard. It was a little 1 room magical place with a "full size kitchen," couch, table and chairs, and even a tiny porch! I loved that playhouse and would take care of it with such love. I had a my size broom and would sweep it out and wash my little plastic dishes in the little plastic sink. Set my table for my "guests" and fluff the pillows on the couch. I wanted to live there forever! Maybe this grown up little girl looks at these houses and thinks that it would give her that same joy it did when she had her little house at 6.

Interior of tiny home source unknown.

Being a former homeowner I know what stress comes along with paying a mortgage and utilities on top of upkeep and then the dreaded selling closing costs (it's a buyer's market people!). The thought of being able to build an entire home without any lending is very appealing! Also being a little bit of a eco-friendly hippie chick I would be reducing my carbon footprint in such a small space and bring me closer to nature as you tend to use the area around you when living in such small quarters.

Now the reality. I am not just by myself. I have a wonderful husband and son that I have to think about. I know in my heart that hubby would never go for something like this unless it was necessary. He loves his space as well as his video games (on his big screen tv). As for my son, I think that he could go with it for awhile, but as he got older I think that he would want privacy being a teenager and that's hard to get in such a small space. So for now this is just a little fantasy for me. A girl can dream no? Maybe once we are settled in our forever home I can build a tiny retreat in my backyard just for me to go and unwind from the world. For now though I am content in my internet searching and finding ideas and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. My in-laws have a nice little cabin in the woods in WV that they built that is along the same lines. One large room with a loft and a bathroom that they added on late. They tried collecting rain water even but that didn't work out so well. couldn't get the pollen and what not to stay out of it even with filters. So they have to have to water brought in. But it is a nice way to live as long as you get along well with the people sharing the space with you.
