Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Birthday/Christmas list for 2012

I know this sounds really selfish and a bit early since Christmas just ended and we have almost a whole year till my Birthday (Nov. 14th), however there is a story behind this post which I'll start with. This year for Christmas I had hubby asking what I wanted. He would ask me when we were in bed half asleep or in the morning when I was half awake. I'd always answer, "I dunno. Nothing." I'm not the best gift getter let me tell you. I can give till I can't give anymore, but receiving just makes me uncomfortable and honestly weirded out. Anyways, one day hubby had a day off and L was in school so we did some shopping for stocking stuffers and last minute presents. We walked into this kitchen supply store in the mall and he walked over to this popcorn maker display with all different kinds of poppers. He showed me one of the ones that look like the old theater poppers, but you put it on the counter.

"What do you think of this?" he asks.

"What for me?" I answer. "It's neat, but it sits on the counter which we have no room for."

"What about the ones with a stand?"

"Honey they use oil. I eat air popped cause it's better for you."

Then I get the dreaded "Oh." which then I knew what I had gotten for Christmas. Shit. I felt horrible! I proceeded to try and tell him that I'm sorry and I felt bad and if he really wanted to get me it I would like it, but it was too late. I ruined his Christmas present for me. Mind you he hadn't bought it and he was picking it up the next day, but still! So we continued to wander the mall and finally I showed him the 6th season of Supernatural which I told him that's what I wanted. So long story short that's what I got for Christmas which I'm happy for, but I do blame myself for not properly telling him what I wanted.

So this post is for my hubby (and possibly my parents since they had the same problem with finding me something.) to help find stuff I want for Christmas. I might even start a pinterest category for just stuff that interests me that would make good presents. I'll still squirm in my seat opening it, but at least they will know that I will love what they get me and that it is something I truly want. Buyer's guarantee of sorts.

First things first. I never said that the stuff I like was going to be easy! I'm an old soul. I like vintage/retro things that aren't found in department stores, but rather thrift stores and flea markets. I also like homemade stuff so lots of Esty listings and things from bazaars. I'm not asking for the exact item shown in some cases, but the type of item. I hope this helps a bit and honey if you are reading this: I'm sorry once again. Love you!

**I'll finish this later when you are not staring at me typing! Love you again!! ;-)

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